65% Now and Forever - Font Bros

Stuart Sandler
Stuart Sandler Posts: 382
edited August 2023 in Type Business
Font Bros was launched in 2006 with the idea that independent font designers love creating fonts but aren't as fond of the business side of running a font foundry.

From endless font installation and technical support requests to handling licensing inquiries, preparing estimates and knowing how much to charge, dealing with legal agreements, ensuring invoices are paid, and monitoring font usage and illegal distribution – who has time to actually design fonts? It's a lot of work, and it's work that we obsess over meticulously! Plus, we've gotten pretty good at it after nearly two decades in business.

It has always been important to us that font designers earn a healthy income from their font sales and custom licenses so they can continue pursuing their passion for font design. That's why we set our royalty payout rate at 65%, and we have maintained that rate ever since unwavering. Frankly, we don't see the need to take a larger portion of your earnings to sustain our efforts on your behalf; that would be simply greedy.

Today, as a show of our faithful commitment to that ideal, we’ve decided to make our 65% royalty payout rate PERMANENT. That's right – FOREVER for all current foundries and any new foundries that join Font Bros. In fact, if you review our distribution agreement, you'll see there is a clause that states the terms can't be modified without mutual agreement. Therefore, existing foundries are already locked-in at that rate, and they need never be concerned about any changes to it. EVER.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the unwavering trust in us by the foundries we're honored to represent and we are enthusiastic about the opportunity to continue earning that trust to help all foundries be successful.

Josh & Stuart, The Font Bros


  • Thank you for your integrity, guys. Love your attitude.
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    It is great to see good people do good things!
  • Thank you for this Josh and Stuart. Your commitment to a more reasonable royalty rate for your suppliers is noteworthy. I hope that boosts the confidence of more designers and foundries to sign on with y’all.