The state of TypeDrawers

James Puckett
James Puckett Posts: 2,006
edited October 2014 in TypeDrawers Announcements
Update: Oct 16, 2014 TypeDrawers is now under new management. Thanks to all members for their past support, and to James for his stewardship. Going forward, donations for continued maintenance can be made via PayPal or Square Cash (preferred in US) to Stephen Coles at coles {at} typographica {dot} org. — SC

Things seem to be working well at TypeDrawers. Last fall you (the users) chipped in $1,025 to keep the site running. $390 of that was spent to modify the backend to handle real names. The rest has since been spent on hosting fees. If you feel that your donation was well spent please chip in again this year. Donations can be sent via Paypal to If you would rather send a check contact me directly and I will give you my address.

Vanilla seems to be working well as a hosting provider. The site runs well most of the time. Vanilla does not have some of the flashy features that other forum platforms offer, but it also doesn’t go down as often as other platforms. There were some short outages a few months ago when Vanilla was hit with a massive DDOS attack, but that was fixed with a change of IP address.

Spam is not a problem. Several spambots register every day, but between Askimet and my own reviews of the user logs I’m able to ban them all. Monitoring the spambots rarely takes me more than five minutes a day—sometimes I spend an extra five adding a wildcard ban for some obscure free email service in China or Russia.

The one thing I want to fix is that the mobile version of the theme does not currently use the web fonts donated by Webtype, Okay Type, and Bold Monday. This is something they have to do and I have asked them for a quote on the cost of copy/pasting all six lines of CSS code to make it happen. If anybody has any requests for other changes and features now is the time to bring it up.


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