Who is fontpeople.co.uk

Hi, I was wondering what/who https://fontpeople.co.uk is. They’ve recently purchased licenses for fonts from us and claim to be a type foundry “with access to almost every font in the world”. I’m suspicious of such claims but might be misunderstanding something here.


  • Florian Hardwig
    Florian Hardwig Posts: 278
    edited September 2020
    From their profile at MyFonts:
    FontPeople was founded in 2019 by Jason Harcombe after 10 years in the type industry working for various foundries providing custom and library fonts to some the largest brands in the world.
    Harcombe is TDi 2018 graduate at the University of Reading. In 2017, he was appointed UK Sales Director by URW.
    One of the custom fonts shown on their website is Ryman Eco, which was designed by Dan Rhatigan and Gunnar Vilhjálmsson, according to the font info.
  • Hi @Florian Hardwig , thanks for the insights. I did found some of the information as well but mainly wondered what the “access to almost every font in the world” combined with him purchasing some of our fonts could mean. In short: should we be concerned?
  • Very insightful.

    BTW, I wasn't sure Europe allows SW resale. I thought that maybe the US did too? FWIW I'm all for it myself, and see ethical problems with preventing it. BUT: it has to be done transparently, versus this apparent sleight-of-hand.
  • Martin Wenzel
    Martin Wenzel Posts: 53
    edited September 2020
    Thank you @JoyceKetterer for your insights. I’ll be writing an email then.
    (Our license states: You are […] granted a non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable […] license.)
  • JoyceKetterer
    JoyceKetterer Posts: 821
    edited September 2020
    @MartinPlus the law he's sighting would override your terms and permit transfer if it is being properly applied.  I contend that he's not interpreting it correctly.  Regardless, the argument to make is that he's making a purchase at the behest a of a client who is the intended end user and therefore you need to issue the license to them.  When I said that he didn't argue on its face - simply apologised for an "autofill error" and gave me the customer info.
  • @Hrant H. Papazian I'm for it in the case of all software that has the ability to push EULA agreement in installation and limit installs via a serial number.  it is only because fonts can't that I'm against it.
  • Hi everyone.  Thanks for the comments and enquiries.  Should anybody have any direct questions please do email me on jason@fontpeople.co.uk 
  • Jason Harcombe
    Jason Harcombe Posts: 9
    edited September 2020

  • @Harcombe10 This is a real names forum.
  • @Harcombe10 This is a real names forum.
    So real names are a must but absolutely no issue with people making false accusations of illegal activity?  Makes perfect sense.
  • @Adam Jagosz Furthermore why was my account ratified if that was the case? 
  • Jason Harcombe said:
    absolutely no issue with people making false accusations of illegal activity?
    Let people express their sincere beliefs, free of censorship. Open communication will make the cookie crumble to the greatest societal benefit in the long term.
  • Jason Harcombe said:
    absolutely no issue with people making false accusations of illegal activity?
    Let people express their sincere beliefs, free of censorship. Open communication will make the cookie crumble to the greatest societal benefit in the long term.
    Sure; free speech isn’t in question here as much as making frivolous and unfounded accusations. They’re not the same thing.
  • Hrant Հրանդ Փափազեան Papazian
    edited September 2020
    Jason Harcombe said:
    Sure; free speech isn’t in question here as much as making frivolous and unfounded accusations. They’re not the same thing.
    To me, as long as it's sincere, censorship ends up harming society. Manipulation, different story. But I've never witnessed Joyce for one do that.
  • I have a couple of customers like that. However, they usually insist that the client's name be stated on my invoice. I expect that's to their benefit if questions on the client's end ever arise. 
  • Jason Harcombe said:
    Sure; free speech isn’t in question here as much as making frivolous and unfounded accusations. They’re not the same thing.
    To me, as long as it's sincere, censorship ends up harming society. Manipulation, different story. But I've never witnessed Joyce for one do that.
    So if it was sincere but manufactured I could say about you whatever I liked?
  • @JoyceKetterer has entirely manufactured that we did anything or have ever done anything illegal, then subsequently emailed me stating I should “beg her” to be my mentor, whilst we are in full disclosure mode.
  • @Adam Jagosz Furthermore why was my account ratified if that was the case? 
    Hi Jason, I'm a moderator and admin of TypeDrawers. Real names are required, as is outlined in the TypeDrawers Rules, linked at the top of the main TypeDrawers forum.

    To everyone in this discussion thread: this is a reminder to keep things on-topic. TypeDrawers is a forum for the discussion of type and lettering, not each other. (And especially not personal attacks.)

    Because discussion has veered so far from the original post, this thread is being locked.

This discussion has been closed.