Posts are not marked as read anymore

It's quite irritating, posts that I've clicked are not marked as read anymore when I return to the main page. It used to work until about a week ago. Is it only me, or has anybody else seen the same?


  • Ditto.
  • It's been doing that for much longer than a week.
  • This only seems to effect certain threads. For example, this thread has been showing up correctly marked as read. Several others are not (e.g. "Gentle EULA reminder...")
  • Thanks for letting us know. I haven't had this issue myself. I'll notify Vanilla. In the meantime, anyone who is having the problem, does it persist when you click "Mark All Viewed" at the top of the screen?  
  • Marked all viewed appears to work. Whether it fixes the problem permanently remains to be seen...
  • Thanks! Might be a band-aid for now, but I'll let you know how it goes once I hear back from the support team. 
  • Dyana Weissman
    Dyana Weissman Posts: 331
    edited November 2019
    From Vanilla Support: "Thanks for this report.  We became aware of this issue yesterday, and our devs are working on a fix.  We hope to have it resolved soon.  
    Thank you for your patience!"
  • Admittedly there have only been a handful of posts since in the past hour, but the problem has not recurred since my mark all viewed command. So perhaps a "reset" was all that was needed to clear it up.
  • OK. I spoke too soon... It's back, again in the Gentle EULA reminder thread, as before.
  • "Mark All Viewed" has a popup that comes up at the bottom but the threads remain as Unread until the page is refreshed.
  • I think that has always been true.
  • Paul Miller
    Paul Miller Posts: 273
    edited December 2019
    The posts are still not showing up as read for me.  The only way to mark them read is to use the 'Mark All Viewed' button and this marks all of them which is often not what I want.
    Is it just me or has it been resolved for others ?
  • The posts are still not showing up as read for me.  The only way to mark them read is to use the 'Mark All Viewed' button and this marks all of them which is often not what I want.
    Is it just me or has it been resolved for others ?
    Same on my side too.
  • For me, it seems back to normal.
  • Paul Miller
    Paul Miller Posts: 273
    edited December 2019
    Recently it seems to have changed, older threads with new posts like 'Elstob: a Fell-based font' do mark themselves as viewed if you look at them but newer threads like 'Synthium Display' don't.  I can't pinpoint exactly when this change of behaviour took place.
    This is very curious behaviour.
  • I find it to be fairly random. Some threads are correctly marked. Others are not. It doesn't affect threads which have not been added to since the problem begun, but there's otherwise no chronological regularity to which threads are affected and which are not.
  • Mark Simonson
    Mark Simonson Posts: 1,746
    edited December 2019
    Yeah, it seemed like it was fixed, but now I'm seeing it happen again. In the mean time, "Mark All Viewed" works as a workaround.
  • Yep. Still happening here, too.
  • But...after my post, I hit the discussions link to view the list. This thread popped up as unread with 19 (or whatever) unread posts. Visited it again, returned to the list and it is (was) marked as read...
  • Simon Cozens
    Simon Cozens Posts: 763
    edited December 2019
    Seems like it depends on when the thread was started. Old threads (Nov 21, for example) mark read nicely, new ones (Nov 27) do not. Something obviously changed between those two dates.
  • It seems to be back to normal for me now.
  • Got this email from Vanilla Support this morning: 

    "We just wanted to confirm that the issue with New Articles not updating when read has been resolved. 

    Please feel free to reach out if you are still experiencing any issues." 
  • Thanks, Dyana, for the update.
  • It seems to have been resolved, for me at least.
  • I think threads are still marked as unread after you add your own comment, until you generate another pageview after that.