Thoughts on new 16-inch MacBook Pro?

Adam Ladd
Adam Ladd Posts: 264
edited December 2019 in Font Technology
I've watched a couple reviews on the new 16-inch MBP, which were mostly positive, and then went to the store this weekend to see in person. Without getting into tech-specs, my broad-stroke impression for overall feel and handling was good:
The screen real estate felt pretty large and spacious, while the laptop itself didn't feel too big or bulky—even the weight didn't seem unreasonable. I never spent much time on the previous "butterfly" keyboards that got complaints, but this updated one felt pretty good in a few typing tests. But one thing that bothered me a bit was the arrow keys felt like they had a little bit too much resistance and required a stronger strike. With the amount that those are used in type design, it didn't feel very smooth. But I don't think it would take long to get used to, and this may have just been a knee-jerk first reaction.
Curious what others first impressions are on it (specs, feel, cost, or otherwise)?


  • Thomas Phinney
    Thomas Phinney Posts: 2,955
    edited December 2019
    The squished cursor keys arrangement on the previous-gen butterfly keyboards is pretty sucky, so I would be thrilled to get a proper layout of them. Not to mention the typing feel.
    I bought a new laptop shortly before this one was announced, and while the added RAM is quite nice, I still wish I had waited and gotten the new 16" MBP. Oh well!
  • @Adam Ladd -- Hang around the MBP forum below and see what users who have bought already are experiencing.
  • Thanks for the link @George Thomas
  • It’s overkill for me. I don’t want a 16" screen, I’m not editing video, or designing complex stuff in 3D. I was hoping for a 15" with a cheap Celeron CPU, no butterfly keyboard, and no touchbar. So now I’m holding out until they at least release a 13" version with a keyboard that isn’t defective by design.
  • If this follows the typical pattern of such things, the improved keyboard will most likely spread to other MBP sizes as new models come out.
  • If this follows the typical pattern of such things, the improved keyboard will most likely spread to other MBP sizes as new models come out.
    That would be great. I have used it very sparingly, but it took a while to get used to that keyboard on my 12" MacBook (which I bought in 2017, IIRC).
    And I have used it just for writing, not to design (to design, I’d use a mouse anyway, but keyboard response remains very important).