I have a bad attitude

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited March 2013 in Miscellaneous News
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  • Mark Simonson
    Mark Simonson Posts: 1,746
    edited March 2012
    What were you hoping for?

    I think it's quite possible that Typophile isn't what it used to be, not because certain people drive others away, but simply because people get over the novelty, get bored, and move on.

    I don't participate as much as I used to because a) I realize what a procrastination enabler it is, and b) joining in on a discussion usually implies a commitment to pay attention at least for a while. I only have so much time and attention.
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  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 2,005
    Honestly, since starting Typeboard I am starting to realize that I feel the same way. I thought Typophile just had a lot of problems with bad code and Hrant and spam but maybe the era of web forums is over.
  • Mark Simonson
    Mark Simonson Posts: 1,746
    edited March 2012
    Honestly, between checking my favorite type people on Twitter occasionally and getting together in person (locally and at conferences) I don't know that it's really necessary. I find Typophile most useful for technical questions. Those are the discussions I pay most attention to. Everything else is noise and potential time sucks.
  • @ James

    The fact that you have a forum... you can use a word like perambulation... AND be understood sounds to me like an effective sort of group therapy. 

    Shall we say Thursday at 11:00.  You can Hrant undisturbed in the office :-)
  • Russell McGorman
    Russell McGorman Posts: 264
    edited March 2012

  • Russell McGorman
    Russell McGorman Posts: 264
    edited March 2012
    I can not, it seems, not, not communicate. A blank post just might say it all.

    On the other hand, the critical mass it takes to sustain an on-line forum don't happen over night, my friends.
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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Are you softening in your old age James?
  • I learned a lot from the Typophile forum and still go back to look up things. I have found it not drawing my attention for a while though. Some of that is just that there aren't as many interesting discussions going, but the main reason is that type ID has completely over taken it. Granted I can just click down to a non-type ID section, but I think the Type ID thing should just be another forum altogether. Maybe it and the MyFonts version should hook up and elope.
  • I perceive a lot of the non-ID Typophile discussions as posturing, plain and simple. Posturing by inexperienced young, nicely complemented by older people who should know better. If they were actually designing anything, they would not have the time …
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  • I think a lot of would-be newcomers are turned off of Typophile before ever signing up — it has a very pretentious atmosphere at times. Then again, I'm new to the game and still signed up there.
  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 2,005
    I noticed that it dropped off substantially about three or four months ago.

    I noticed the same thing. That timing roughly corresponds with the last big Typophile update, which broke Google search again.
  • The broken search is just too bad. There is a lot of wisdom buried there and I, for one, will not wade through the pap to get to it again.
  • Ralf
    Ralf Posts: 170
    A more strict Google search which excludes the new silly subdomain results would be:
    opentype +[inurl:http://typophile.com]
    I still wonder how they even managed to get those subdomains in the index ...
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