I am making an Open-source SFNT parser/generator in C, called otfcc.

Github: https://github.com/caryll/otfcc

Currently the parsing part is almost complete, and it is much faster than `ttx`: it takes only 10 seconds to parse and json-ize a 26MB Chinese ttf while `ttx` takes about 10 minutes.

PRs are welcome :)


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  • Does this have any relation with https://sourceforge.net/adobe/tintin/code/HEAD/tree/?
  • No.
  • This looks quite useful. I noticed, however, that it does not mention the CFF table at all, only glyf. Am I right to assume that otfcc currently is limited to TruType-based OpenType only? 
  • @Adam Twardoch 
    CFF will be support later, but currently I am focusing on TTF.
  • cool!
  • Phase 0.5 is complete :)
    (The picture is a convergence test of a large Chinese font.)
  • I've started making features support.

    @Adam Twardoch
    @Georg Seifert
    @Dave Crossland

    Are there any good open-source TTF-outlined fonts with many features? Especially uncommon lookup types (like cursive attachment or reverse chaining).
  • Posts: 3,350
    Are there any good open-source TTF-outlined fonts with many features? Especially uncommon lookup types (like cursive attachment or reverse chaining).

    Reverse chaining basically exists specifically to handle the nastaliq case, and related styles of Arabic. Similarly, you'll find cursive attachment implemented most frequently in cascading Arabic fonts. Take a look at Noto Nastaliq Urdu, which is probably the best OpenType implementation of nastaliq (which is to say it fails less than the others, not that it succeeds).

  • Reverse chaining basically exists specifically to handle the nastaliq case, and related styles of Arabic. Similarly, you'll find cursive attachment implemented most frequently in cascading Arabic fonts. Take a look at Noto Nastaliq Urdu, which is probably the best OpenType implementation of nastaliq (which is to say it fails less than the others, not that it succeeds).
    Noto Nastaliq Urdu does not contain reverse chaining.
  • Posts: 3,350
    Noto Nastaliq Urdu does not contain reverse chaining.

    Interesting. I'd assumed it would.

    I checked Microsoft's Urdu Typesetting font, and it does contain GSUB lookup type 8 substitutions.


  • Interesting. I'd assumed it would.

    I checked Microsoft's Urdu Typesetting font, and it does contain GSUB lookup type 8 substitutions.


  • CFF (almost) done.
    (Currently in the cff branch, i am fine tuning it.)


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