6º Encontro de Tipografia in Portugal

The annual meeting in typography in Portugal will be celebrating the 4th and the 5th of December in Aveiro. This year's theme is Perception. You can see the final program and speakers in http://6et.web.ua.pt/index-en.html.


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  • I will talk about type design for Olivetti typewriters. See you there Álvaro!
  • Both of these talks sound excellent! I wish we were going to be there again this year. 
  • I have a thing for typewriters, looking forward to your talk María!
  • Impressive work Alvaro. I have had a look to some books in typewriter art for my research
  • Good news @Tiffany Wardle de Sousa, I'm giving the same talk at TypeCon in August :)

    See you there?
  • Posts: 65
    edited April 2016
    Sorry to miss your talk, @Alvaro Franca, on 1800s tramways lettering at TypeCon.

    Regarding your typewriter art, we put a similar type of art in the interactive specimen for my 1403 Vintage Mono Pro typeface, site designed with @Kenneth Ormandy. Here are a couple papers doing that kind of art, halftoning. The 1970 paper below used the IBM 1403 mainframe line printer, the inspiration for the typeface, to produce the images. The 1964 paper uses scanned images of blood cells to demonstrate the technique, but using an HP-800 printer.

    B. Perry and M. L. Mendelsohn, “Picture generation with a standard line printer,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 7, pp. 311-313, May 1964.

    I.D.G. MacLeod, “Pictorial Output with a Line Printer,” IEEE Transactions on Computers C-19(2):160-162, March 1970.

  • Cool stuff @Jeff Kellem!

    I too made a digital portrait of a famous type designer for a famous type foundry. The monospaced typeface it is set in hasn't been released though, so I can't yet show it. Hopefully this year!

    It looks more complex than what I do on the typewritter, and the duplexed weights let me use 12 different shades of grey, so the portrait is much more detailed than their analogue counterparts. It was not computer generated though.


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