Quote selected text and cite?

I thought it was possible to select text and click "Quote" with a cite but is that not longer available. Or was it never available…?

This may be a good addon http://vanillaforums.org/addon/quoteselection-plugin 


  • Wei Huang said:
    I thought it was possible to select text and click "Quote" with a cite but is that not longer available. Or was it never available…?
    I’m not sure it was ever available but I just turned it on and we’ll see how it goes.
  • Wei Huang said:
    I thought it was possible to select text and click "Quote" with a cite but is that not longer available. Or was it never available…?
    I’m not sure it was ever available but I just turned it on and we’ll see how it goes.
    Doesn't look like it recognizes selected text.
  • George Thomas
    George Thomas Posts: 652
    edited September 2015
    Wei Huang said:
    I thought it was possible to select text and click "Quote" with a cite but is that not longer available. Or was it never available…?
    I’m not sure it was ever available but I just turned it on and we’ll see how it goes.
    Doesn't look like it recognizes selected text.
    Agree. Selected text would be better. You can select "Quote" under the Paragraph icon but then you have to paste the selected text into the quote block.
  • The ability to select the text you'd like to quote is part of a more advanced plugin which isn't available to us at our subscription level. If it is really a priority we could raise more funds to develop it, but I think the existing feature is good enough for now.
  • Stephen Coles
    Stephen Coles Posts: 1,010
    edited September 2015
    so and so said:
    This forced nesting of previous quoting isn't ideal either, however. Sigh. Maybe we should disable the plugin until we can afford a better one.
  • Wei Huang
    Wei Huang Posts: 98
    edited September 2015
    Edit: I just realised you mean that the default option doesn't let you select quote so it adds the entire comment huh. 
    Stephen Coles said:
    This forced nesting of previous quoting isn't ideal either, however. Sigh. Maybe we should disable the plugin until we can afford a better one.
    To me, that's normal quoting behaviour on forums. Would you prefer a single level—that would be confusing wouldn't it? I personally prefer it, if I quote someone who is quoting something else, I just take out the original quote as I'm replying to the comment under the quote.
  • It seems to make most sense to me both as a reader and as a quoter, that I be able to only quote the part of the text that was intended so that everyone does not have to figure out what the intention was.
  • I like the Albers nested quotes :)