Izmir, Turkey

Is there some Turkish accent I don't know about, or did Google Maps add a tittle to this capital I?


  • And if you ever want to handle this in OpenType, I use the proposal by @Adam Twardoch:
    feature locl {
        language TRK exclude_dflt; # Turkish
            lookup I_TURKISH {
                sub i by i.TRK;
            } I_TURKISH;
        language AZE exclude_dflt; # Azeri
            lookup I_TURKISH;
        language CRT exclude_dflt; # Crimean Tatar
            lookup I_TURKISH;
    } locl;
    This way you can exclude the dotted i from being swallowed into ligatures when the dot is significant to the language.
  • If {smcp} is present, then one also has to consider including a TRK (et al.)–specific substitution mapping lowercase i to the dotted small cap.
  • If {smcp} is present, then one also has to consider including a TRK (et al.)–specific substitution mapping lowercase i to the dotted small cap.

    What would that look like in the above code?

  • Georg Seifert
    Georg Seifert Posts: 678
    edited September 2015
    Just add
    sub i.TRK by idotaccent.sc;
    To your smcp feature. 
  • Hey, it is my homeland :D  İzmir. 
  • Ah, happy memories of living in Ankara and learning Turkish back in the 1990s.