Re: When in the type design process do you start drawing different weights and styles?
My preference is similar to James Puckett, to do just a keyword of characters in a regular weight, and then go to the extremes. I will usually have had the design rolling around in my head for a whil…1 -
Re: Regarding the new Saudi riyal currency symbol
Oh! Aside from the design differences concerns, which I would not minimize, I would not have guessed that there are different (1) decompositions and (2) bidi properties for the two characters. Those …2 -
Re: Whatever happened to Adobe's SING proposal?
Adobe InDesign supported it, for a time—support was killed in InDesign CS5. I do not recall with certainty, but I don’t think it got support from Illustrator and Photoshop. It also never got support …2 -
Re: Can transparency be made variable in COLR font
Yes, in COLR/CPAL v1, but not in v0. The alpha value is just another channel, one of the 4 in each ColorRecord in CPAL. The v1 version of COLR and CPAL allows you to vary the colors across the design…1 -
Re: Professional Indemnity insurance
I should mention that I also have an LLC, through which all my business runs. But to be sure, the combination of having a large corporate client for whom I do ongoing font work that could impact all …2