1. New Cyrillic Type Design competition

    New Cyrillic Type Design Competition has published a catalogue of sumbitted works. Notice the Bulgarian-style Cyrillic set.

  2. Recommended reading on the HIstory of Cyrillic (In Russian )http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/6246573/

    Recommended reading on the HIstory of Cyrillic (In Russian )http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/6246573/

  3. Learn to write Serbian Cyrillic

    There’s a great resource that will teach you to write Serbian Cyrillic: http://www.cirilica.com/cirilica/Strane/LepsaCir/LepsaCir5.html

    This is how Serbians normally write the т in handwritten style. The overscore on the top is meant to disambiguate with ш.


    Here’s the correct way of putting it down in printed style.


    How about a historic sample of handwritten Cyrillic? Zechariah Orfelin’s Propisi, Sremski Karlovci, 1776.


    This is how schoolchildren learn to write. Fill in the dots to complete the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet. 

    Serbian Cyrillic

    Forms with swashes

    Serbian Cyrillic Serbian Cyrillic

    Semi-handwritten (Slanted) forms


  4. Serbian localized forms (Roman)

    Cyrillic is the fourth most widespread writing system in the world covering over 1/6 surface of the world. There is a number of languages that use Cyrillic in writing. Some of them, including Serbian, have developed their own localized forms. 

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  5. Why do we (still) use Cyrillic

    A presentation by Alexei Vanyashin given at the TypoLub conference in Lublin, Poland (November 18, 2012). It overviews the history of Cyrillic and explains why Cyrillic should be letterspaced differently than Latin.

    This talk was also presented at the Mota Italic gallery in Berlin November 24, 2012.

  6. Cyrillic kern strings

    Kern String #1 Source: http://typedesignclass.livejournal.com/97458.html


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  7. Sample Cyrillic Texts

    Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

    Source: http://rdd.me/am27e7nb

    Cyrillic Sentence Case (Basic Russian Alphabet)

    Все счастливые семьи похожи друг на друга, каждая несчастливая семья несчастлива по-своему. Все смешалось в доме Облонских. Жена узнала, что муж был в связи с бывшею в их доме француженкою-гувернанткой, и объявила мужу, что не может жить с ним в одном доме. Положение это продолжалось уже третий день и мучительно чувствовалось и самими супругами, и всеми членами семьи, и домочадцами.

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  8. Miroslav Gospel Manuscript, 1180

    Miroslav Gospel Manuscript, 1180

  9. Vladimir Yefimov’s article on Peter the Great’s Civil Type reform(1708-1710).

    Vladimir Yefimov’s article on Peter the Great’s Civil Type reform(1708-1710).

  10. Pointed Nib Cyrillic samples by Vera Evstafieva

    Source Typophile thread