
‘Private Eye’ on de facto closure of St. Bride Library

joeclarkjoeclark Posts: 122
edited October 2015 in Miscellaneous News
Here (excerpted) is what Private Eye reports about the planned closure of the St. Bride Library, which, oddly, seems not to have been discussed on this esteemed forum.
  • “The foundation’s library... contains several important collections related to printing history [that] are not replicated anywhere else (including much original artwork by Matthew Carter, designer of the Private Eye masthead.)” (He really did design it.)
  • “[I]n a statement released to those who asked (but still not published anywhere on the foundation’s Website), chief executive Glyn Farrow insisted that not to mothball the collections now ‘would have rendered the whole charity vulnerable.’ ”
  • “Without the core charitable purpose of [a library], the foundation is principally, er, a bar and wedding venue. These activities ‘remain vibrant and fully active,’ insisted the foundation. So that’s all right then.”
The issue number is given in distinctive Private Eye style as No. 1399 21 August – 3 Sept 2015. I have a picture if anybody wants it.
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