Polish Kreska Language Feature

I'm familiar with the Romanian (s accent) and Dutch (IJ) language feature, but not the Polish (kreska). If those language features have become the norm, should I start including the Polish feature as well? I feel like it's rare to see it, whereas the others are more common.


  • Thomas Phinney
    Thomas Phinney Posts: 2,955
    edited October 2015
    I've been giving the Polish kreska special treatment for a long time. It's easy to do.

    Basically, the Poles like their acute accent especially steep, at least on the lowercase and potentially on the caps as well. So one has an alternate version of the acute that gets used with the 'locl' feature for Polish.

    (Adam doesn't like to call it an acute, but in terms of Unicode, that is what it is.)
    feature locl { # Localized Forms
    script latn;
    language PLK exclude_dflt;
      sub [Cacute Nacute Oacute Sacute Zacute cacute nacute oacute sacute zacute] by [Cacute.polish Nacute.polish Oacute.polish Sacute.polish Zacute.polish cacute.polish nacute.polish oacute.polish sacute.polish zacute.polish];
    } locl;

  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,254
    It’s cool when the Kreska crosses the top of Cacute etc.
  • should I start including the Polish feature as well? I feel like it's rare to see it, whereas the others are more common.
    Because it is very rare. If your acute is almost as flat as macron, you should consider making locl feature for kreska, but otherwise you are good to go. I am Polish and I don't make this feature in my fonts. It is unnecessary if you make acute universal. 

    Also, steep kreska is rather historical entity. In polish modern typography, based on non-polish fonts, this feature is almost forgotten. 

    Anyway, If you would like to make your font special, this is a good move :)